Monday, March 28, 2011

T - 9 Days!

9 days from now, I will be standing in the airport in Atlanta with bags packed and ready to head to Europe!!

How did this come about, you ask? Well... I was standing around one day lamenting the fact that I would soon be turning 30. While I have never been one to get worked up about age, for some reason I was feeling bad about the fact that I am turning 30 and things in my life do not exactly look the way I thought that they might at this age. I decided that it would be a good idea to counteract this with a plan to do something fun for my birthday. So, the ideas began rolling out...including the fact that my roommate has friends that run a hostel in Europe. From there, plane tickets were priced on a whim...discovered to be reasonably priced...purchased...plans made...and here we are - leaving for Prague next Wednesday! From there, we will head to Vienna, Austria and then to Cinque Terre in Italy before returning to Prague via Venice. Hopefully, I will have some amazing pictures to share when I return!


Katy said...

I am SO jealous! Please share lots of pictures!

Julie Tiemann said...

Oh wow! SO fun! Can't wait to see your pictures when you get back. Be safe!

Allison said...

So fun! I was in Prague and Vienna, along with Salzburg, Munich, and Budapest, almost 2 years ago. You will have a blast! Can't wait to hear about it.