Friday, April 10, 2009

On the Radio

Most of you probably don't know that my dad has a new radio show. Well, he does. It's a long, but very cool story of how the Lord has directed his steps and worked in extraordinary ways to open up this opportunity. It all started a couple of years ago when he was lead to start Christ's Starfish Foundation, which is a foundation that serves families of chronically ill (non-cancer) children in the Jacksonville and Gainesville areas of Florida. While there are two big foundations in Jacksonville that serve families of children with cancer, there is a big need for support for families of children with other chronic illnesses. The foundation has done some pretty cool things, like raise money for a new van for a teenager with spina bifida, provide financial support for lots of families for groceries, travel to and from the hospital, or utility bills so that they can focus their attention on helping their child to get well, and provide hundreds of Christmas gifts for the children that are in the hospital on Christmas day. The foundation has brought my dad so much joy, and it has been cool to watch the Lord at work through it.

But, I digress... The radio broadcast is called Journeys with Christ and it airs at 11:00pm eastern on Way Radio. Basicly, the show is about ordinary people and the way that the Lord is doing extraordinary things through their lives. The show aired last Saturday with yours truly as the first guest. That is precisely why I waited until now to let you know about it! :-) My dad asked me to share my heart about the ministry that I have been involved with in Peru, as well as about my job at the hospital. This week's guest is the mom of an old friend of mine. Scarlett and I went to school together from elementary through high school. These days, she is a fabulous wedding photographer, and you should definitely check out her site! Her mom, Rene, is a breast cancer survivor who recently lost her husband after his own battle with lung cancer. The story that she has to share is one worth listening to. Her unwavering faith in the Lord throughout these storms in her life is definitely an encouragement. During her husband Johnny's illness, she maintained a blog where she shared their journey and her heart. She is a very gifted writer, and I was always encouraged as I read by the way that she constantly gives glory to God. If you would like to listen to her story, go to at 11:00 eastern on Saturday night!


Mommy of Tyler and Chase said...

My sister is friends with Angie (Bring the Rain), she lives in Nashville. Do you know her or are you one of her "sundays". Her writing is incredible...Colin

Julie Tiemann said...

Wow - I had no idea! Go Carl! :) The show sounds so neat - I wish there was more positive talk radio like this out there.