Sunday, October 4, 2009

Christ's Starfish Foundation

Sorry about my hiatus from blogging this week. It was a L-O-N-G week at work. I will be back at it soon, but right now just wanted to encourage you to check out the Christ's Starfish Foundation blog.

Christ's Starfish Foundation is a nonprofit organization started by my dad a couple of years ago. The mission of the foundation is to be a blessing to families of hospitalized children in Jacksonville, FL and surrounding areas. I have seen firsthand that being a parent of an ill child is stressful in so many ways. Not only do parents worry about their child's health, they must also worry about paying bills, getting to and from the hospital, trying to maintain their jobs, and finding ways to care for other children while one child is ill. While there are many resources available for the children with cancer that I work with, often resources are very limited for families of chronically ill children that don't have cancer. The aim of Christ's Starfish Foundation is to provide support to these families in need.

One of the biggest projects that CSFoundation takes on is to provide gifts to the children who are hospitalized in Jacksonville on Christmas. Last year, through the help of partners the Foundation provided approximately 1200 gifts to 86 children in Jacksonville, FL as well as 600 gifts to 60 hospitalized children in Gainesville, FL. Check out the blog if you would like to know more about the Foundation or if you are interested in providing gifts for children this Christmas.

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