Sunday, November 22, 2009

Do You Know...

Do you know who is in this photo with me? I'm referring to the one in the middle. Clearly, her nametag says Jennifer, but you might know her by another name. That is, if you are a bit of a blog-stalker like myself. I have linked to her blog here on mine before, and asked you to join in praying for her sweet son. I met him today, too. Any guesses? I'm headed to bed right now, but more about this picture and a couple of overdue blog posts coming soon...


Jessica Miller Kelley said...

Ah...MckMama. What was she like in person? Did she bring her own almond milk?

Julie Tiemann said...

Too funny! I wondered if anyone I know was going to that - I'm jealous you made it! I emailed her for info, but when she said it was Sunday afternoon I knew I couldn't go. Please do post details! (I hope you got to hug sweet Stellan!)

Tonya said...


It was SO nice to meet you yesterday! It was a great time despite the weather. Thanks for stopping by my blog so we can keep in touch! I can't wait to see the other pics you took!
