Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I am not good at New Year's Resolutions. I stopped making them a long time ago. This year, though, I decided to take one month at a time and try to work on some things in my life as I feel the Lord leading. For January, my goal was to work on four things:

1. Delight in the Lord through the book of Genesis.

2. Take care of my body by making healthier lifestyle choices.

3. Be a good steward of financial responsibility by establishing a new budget (and actually trying to live by it.)

4. Consider simplicity and how to better apply it to my lifestyle.

I am happy to report that I am really trying to follow through with these things. I am almost through with the book of Genesis and have really enjoyed being reminded of the stories of God's love and faithfulness to His people. I decided that my body needed a bit of a de-tox after the holidays, so I have avoided all forms of dessert this month and have been starting to make some use of the treadmill upstairs that has been sitting idle for some time. I have, however, noticed that I am drinking way more coffee and tea in my effort to avoid sweet things. Perhaps that is something to tackle in February... I revised my budget to make it applicable to my life, and have been trying to pay attention to what I am spending money on. I still have a little ways to go on this one, but I am kind of excited about finding better ways to save money and get rid of debt. I have been reading a book by Dave Ramsey, who is very hard-core about getting rid of debt fast. I think maybe some of his ideas will be helpful. Number 4 is probably the one that still needs a bit of work. I would really like to simplify my life and live in a way that honors the things that the Lord has taught me through His word and also honors and serves the poor around me.

Feel free to give me your feedback or comments to help me stay accountable to these things!

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