Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why I Love...


In a world where most people dread Mondays and live for Fridays, Monday may just be my favorite day of the week. Here are a few reasons why:

* I almost never work on Mondays. My schedule is on a fixed 6 week rotation, and I am only scheduled to work 1 Monday during each 6 week cycle. Sometimes I am even able to find someone to switch with me so that I don't even have to work that one!

* Because of the reason above, Mondays have become like my Sabbath day of the week. I typically take more time to be still, read my Bible, listen to sermons, think, pray, and/or listen than I do on other days of the week.

* I also tend to be more productive on Mondays than I am on other days of the week that I am off. Don't know why...

* I always get to enjoy an amazing dinner and great company on Monday nights thanks to these friends:

(plus Matt and Matt, who are missing from this photo)

Besides the food and company, they are also a great source of love, encouragement, accountability, and prayer, and I am thankful to have them in my life.

And that's why I love Mondays!

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