Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday

In the spirit of my newly established tradition of top ten (or something like that) lists on Tuesdays (a tradition which extends about a week now and is sure to be broken soon...), here is this week's list:

Top Ten U.S. Sites That I Have Visited:

(as always, in no particular order, though for the sake of no-good-reason, I've decided to count backward this week. Maybe I will have more success counting backward than I did counting forward.)

10. Greenville, SC

home of Furman: home of Falls Park and a fabulously cute little downtown:

home of many fabulous friends and even more great college memories:

9. Salt Lake City, Utah

home of the biggest mountains that I had ever seen at the time that I visited.

also home of the 2002 Winter Olympics.

8. Colorado Springs, CO

home of bigger mountains than we have in the East:

home of very friendly deer:

home to the Garden of the Gods:

7. Santa Monica, California

home to the most fun beach ever:

6. New York City, NC
(at Christmastime)

home to the ice rink at Rockefeller Center, the Christmas Story on Broadway, the Today Show, a ginormous Christmas tree, amazing window displays at Macy's, and limitless Christmas shopping opportunities, among other things...

5. Seattle, Washington

home to Pike's Place market and the most amazingly beautiful flowers ever:

also home to the space needle and an art park with ordinary things made very large:

4. Yellowstone National Park

home to lots of bison:
home to Old Faithful and the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone:

3. Grand Tetons National Park

home to the most exciting sign ever when it welcomes you after driving halfway across the country:
also home to beautiful examples of God's glorious Creation:

2. Hawaii

home to beautiful beaches, delicious pineapple, snorkeling lagoons, amazing sunsets, and Kimo Bean coffee

1. Glacier National Park

home to my favorite hike ever (even with the rain) where you can see these things:

and sit on what feel like the top of the world to take it all in:

What about you? What's on your list of must-see sites that this country has to offer??


Mrs.Oklahoma said...

Hi Amy,

I loved this post considering I have been to all of those places except Hawaii...

I think we were best friends in a previous life, because my favorite morning routine is to sit outside and watch the morning come about with my coffee, and spend time reflecting and praying.

And of course we have the nurse thing in common :)

I enjoyed your blog entries :)

You'll have a new follower now, from Az :)


aok said...

Hi sweet friend! I think we need to add something else to that list...somewhere that you, me, and Em can go for a fun vacation. Any ideas?
aok :)

Beth Whitehill said...

Hey Amy! I need your email address so I can send you an invite to my blog! Hope you are having a great week!
